Tuesday 15 April 2014

Core Skills: Image


Mica draws faces for her four year old daughter to finish for her, and they turn out really cool!
She first draws the head in a very realist style, and then lets her daughter add the rest, I like the way the face of this one is so serious, and then the rest is bright and happy in appearance, it creates a subtle contrast and a unique look to the work.

This one is my personal favourite, I like how it is very monotone, yet it still has a "youthful" appearance and feel to it. I think that the badger people floating through space is a subject matter you don't normally see, but it really works, and it works well.

Another example of her work, I'm guessing that her daughter does some of the colour, and Mica also adds some colour where needed to balance it out, like in this work, the hair looks much more precisely coloured than the flower, or the sun, which leads me to think that parts are coloured by the four year old, and parts are coloured but Mica herself. 

Core Skills: Image

Steve Lovett Power Point.
Aziz and Cucher, 1994, Adobe photoshop 4.

I chose to look at this image because I like the way it looks so realistic, It reminds me of the matrix. This image was made using the clone tool to remove details like the eyes and mouth. I think this image is so eye catching because of how real it looks, it almost makes you think for a split second that maybe it is real. I want to experiment with the clone tool at some point and see if I can try mimic this effect.
Digital Collage time magazine 2012, Photoshop. 
I chose this image because in a way it is the opposite of the image above, it looks like a collage that you could make on paper. I like how these two images next to each other, you'd never guess they were made with the same media, one is very realistic and one is like a caricature. I like this image because it looks so ridiculous, it draws you, I like making collage and never thought to do it on photoshop, but now I might have to have a go at it. 
Sarah Mc Elroy, year four student.

These works are so bright and colourful, I really like how simple, yet effective they are. I like how they still have a lot of impact, because of the content, yet they are just giant screen printed sticky notes. I really the simplicity, and the way the neon colours make you almost have to look at them. 

Core Skills: Image

Banksy is a stencil artist based in the uk, but his works are seen all over the world. I chose to look at his works because they are interesting, as they raise questions about political and social issues. Banksy uses stencils and spray paint to complete his works.

This work is in boston, in chinatown, and I choose to look at this work because I like the statement of it. It talks about how society tells us to "follow our dreams" and to do what we want, but shuns us when we are "different" hense why is says CANCELLED. 

Although banksy's work can pose bigger questions, he also does some that might seem silly etc. He works a lot with what he sees around him, e.g. the faded ING in PARKING and so he stencilled a girl on a swing underneath, which doesn't raise a big "life question" but it does you would smile if you saw it. The same goes for the second image. 

Sunday 13 April 2014


http://famousselfportraits.tumblr.com/ I've been scrolling through this tumblr blog religiously for the last few weeks, it's opened my eyes to the possibilities I have with this brief. 

Monday 7 April 2014

Core Skills: Lens

Elements of photography continued…
Texture, Line, and pattern.

TEXTURE (although you could argue that some photos overlap into other categories)
I then took an image similar to the one above into photoshop to see if I could intensify the texture look of the bark, I decided to change it to black and white, and up the contrast and play with the levels, I think it empathised the texture a bit, but it still looks natural, I'm not sure if I'd want it too look too intense, because it might come across unnatural looking.

I also really like this photo as an example of a shallow depth of field:)



Tuesday 1 April 2014


Ahn Jun.

Ahn Jun is an artist from South Korea who did a series of self portraits in 2011-2012, I first stumbled across her on tumblr, and saw the post had a link to her website. I find her works interesting in the way she photographs herself, she almost makes it as though she isn't the main focus of the work, it is her AND her surroundings. I like this idea as I am using the theme of identity and I believe that the world around us influences our own identity and how we see ourselves. I think that the way she never shows her entire face is really beautiful especially when looking at her photos you feel like you know so much about her, just not her face. I really like the colour palette she uses, they are calming and the vivid violet colour she wears stands out, but not too much, it looks really well put together and you can tell she thought about all aspects of these works for a good time even though they come across effortless.

S e l f - P o r t r a i t


S e l f - P o r t r a i t
HDR Ultra Chrome Pigment Print


S e l f - P o r t r a i t
HDR Ultra Chrome Archival Pigment Print

S e l f - P o r t r a i t

HDR Ultra Chrome Archival Pigment Print
53" x 40"