Monday 31 March 2014

Core Lens: Week six


I really like how these two turned out, if I'm completely honest, they were kind of accidents, but I do really like the effect sow shutter gives when you shake the camera, I think it is very effective.

I think these could have worked better if I had changed the ISO and the aperture differently around them, as all go these turned out quite grainy, but it might also be parley to do with the camera used, but I do like the grudge vibe it gives.

For these I played around with vantage point, I found that I could have done some from further away, I feel like that might have been a better decision for what I was going for. Not really sure how much I like these photos.

This photo is my favourite of the lot! I like the light coming for the background, and the motion blur looks really nice and ghostly, although I would like it even more if you couldn't see Kayla's face, so next time I'll try an even shorter shutter.

This one is also a favourite, I like the way the lighting looks and the ghostly silhouette is gives, I like the feeling of movement.

By the time I took this photo I had the camera set to a shutter speed on 1/4, and I really love the blur it gives. 

I edited a few on photoshop, and I think that they turned out pretty rad, I like changing the white and black levels, making the contrast less or more, depending on the picture, I also added a cool filter to the second photo below, and I think it looks nice. The saturation of colour/intensity is also something I like to play around with, its always nice to make a dull dark photo come to life. I think my photography style is greatly influenced my people like Francesca Woodman, and other artists that use motion blur to their advantage, I think it can be really beautiful. I might do and experiment using reflection and harsh lighting, just to see whether I like the look of it. 

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