Wednesday 26 March 2014

RRAW!! Week 2b exercise 3

For me this image comes across foggy splotchy, and damp at first, it makes you feel cold just by looking at it. After I looked at the image for longer, I noticed more o the details and small features the artist had put in to the image, the patterns and the way that it resembled nature in a quirky kind of way. The image only has three colours, white, black and green this gives it a bold eye catching look without becoming overpowering, and the patterns remind me of vines trailing down a wall, which adds to the natural vibe this image gives off. Despite the image looking bold, it also looks fresh and crisp, like the smell when you first go outside after a frost, this is because of the cool colours used, and also the way the colours are splashed on too look watery and painterly. In the bottom right hand corner there is a rectangular shape which resembles a gate, or a door, which then leads me to think this is actually a painting of the front of a house of some sort. The door almost appears out of place with its geometric lines and structure, but in blends in well because of the colours, which is why I didn't see it at first, because it blends in so nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emily, you've made a good start on your blog - almost up to date, well done. Just remember to get someone to critique/comment on one of your blog posts. And do the last exercise, on political art. And generally, try to write a bit more and go into more detail, some of your entries are too brief. The entry above however, on Pule's painting, is really great - nice and thoughtful and engaged - so try to keep this up!
